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About education program at CiSoft

                                           Education Program


Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering with a specialization on Digital Oilfield Technologies

The Petroleum Engineering Program at USC in collaboration with the faculty and research members of the Center for Interactive Smart Oilfield Technologies (CiSoft) offers a Distant Education MS Degree in Petroleum Engineering with emphasis on Smart Oilfield Technologies.

The Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering (Digital Oilfield Technologies) is a new unique degree offered only through USC. The degree program was created based upon the industry’s request to train existing staff and new hires with skills related to the operation of smart fields.

The Center for Interactive Digital Oilfield Technologies (CiSoft) will provide facilities for research and training in these technologies, providing cutting-edge course content for this degree. A minimum of 34 units are required to receive the MSPTE degree. All courses required to earn this degree will be available via the Distance Education Network (DEN). All you need is high-speed Internet access (minimum: DSL or cable) to view the courses.


There is also a Certificate Program in the area of Digital Oilfield Technologies. For more information regarding these programs please contact DEN.

USC School of Engineering Distance Education Network (DEN)
3650 McClintock Avenue, OHE 108
Los Angeles, CA 90089-1455
(213) 821-0413 – general DEN questions
(213) 740-0116 – admission requirements